Hacking Parrot FreeFlight Pro to stop update nags

I've been experiencing issues after updating the firmware of my Parrot Disco to 1.7.0 - flight data is not being uploaded to My.Parrot so I can't review flights. So I downgraded to 1.4.1.

After downgrading, the FreeFlight Pro app won't let me fly the drone until I update it to 1.7.0. This is because I previously downloaded the update in the app, and won't proceed until I apply it. I could just delete the app data and start again, but that would lose all the app config and saved flight plans. I also wanted to see what was in the app's data directory, in case the flight data was in there so I could save it. Besides, where's the fun in the simple route? 

Instead I extracted the app data from my phone, modified it to make the app thing it has not downloaded the update, and restored it back to the phone. Unfortunately during the process I discovered the app has definitely not been pulling the flight data from the Disco, which means the files are lost forever.

Anyway in case you're insane enough to want to do it yourself, I put instructions and a patch up on GitHub:



It抯 really a nice and helpful piece of information. I am glad that you shared this helpful info with us. Please keep us informed like this. Thanks for sharing.

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