Humax Sky Player still on the cards

I have been waiting patiently for Sky Go (formerly Sky Player) to be released on the HDR-Fox T2's Internet Portal. This feature, promised at the time of the PVR's launch, is so far missing. Back in January 2011, several sites reviewed the beta version of the software and reported that Sky Player was indeed included in the Portal. And yet it was surprisingly missing from the launch firmware in February. Here we are in September, and still no Sky VOD service. To say the wait has been long would be rather understating things, but Sky's rebrand of Sky Player to Sky Go is undoubtedly part of the reason for the delay. Meanwhile some report that Sky themselves have gone quiet on the issue.

However, I recently contacted Humax UK customer support to ask if/when it will be released. In typical Humax fashion I got no reply, but this week I asked them again. Today I got a response:

"Skyplayer is still in development, we do not have a release date yet."

Whilst hardly the best news, this does at least reassure that Sky Go will make it into the portal in some form or other. I do wonder however what state it will be in when it arrives. TechRadar's review of the portal reported rights clearance issues for some channels including Sky1 and ESPN. Let's hope those have been sorted!


I'm disappointed as having purchased my HUMAX unit 5 months ago - with Skyplayer advertised even on the packaging - it is still not available. Surely this is a breach of trading standards.

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